Stressin' all the way to DE
I'm freaking out..... busted my ass in Mt Laurel to fail in Philly....after hotel cost, I lost money.....the move in date for the apt is...
So....after all this time, after the years of struggling...part of the struggle may be over (god willing.) Supposed to move into an apt...
Same Ole BP
So I guess all the Gov did was move the ladies over to the dating section..all it took was a bunch of us posting under dating immediately...
Oh God......
No more BP? How am I going to pay my bills? This is the worst most unthinkable outcome that could have possibly happened. I'm...
Snow on Ukrainian Christmas
Nice concept but I'm not really into snow anymore...was fun as a kid but now it just makes a mess. I of course made hot chocolate and...
Can't sleep....
Too much on my mind, it's 2am....way past my bedtime. Going to NJ tomorrow, haven't even booked the room yet, ugh...shoot, I completely...