Stressin' all the way to DE
I'm freaking out..... busted my ass in Mt Laurel to fail in Philly....after hotel cost, I lost money.....the move in date for the apt is on the is due on the 1st, which is awesome.....I'm no where near prepared for this, and I have no help. I have first months rent and that's about it, I can't get financed for furniture and I just don't have the money for it. We're moving in with NOTHING, no lamps, blankets, sheets, towels, absolutely nothing except makeup, nail polish, clothes and some plates/bowls...that's all I've got. I'm not the super gross energizer bunny that meets every person with money in their hand...I met who I could, who I was willing to and one I didn't want to and regretted it severely..I will never ever meet someone again out of desperation and that is a fact mah friends! Le' sigh.................I keep hoping to pull a rabbit out of my hat like I always do, I know everyone is expecting me to but damn, I can only do SO much, I can only make so much profit with these stupid hotel bills. I've literally got rent money and $200 for's a JOKE. Everything is TOO expensive and I just can't keep up! It's too much!
I should be happy I'm getting a home...not stressed...but I guess, I've been fighting so long just to GET a home I forgot what else is included..I'm so used to getting a hotel and it magically has electric and it's already furnished and apt isn't like that. :-( Not this one anyway.....I have enough stress on my shoulders, I'm really surprised I don't have grey hair (or gray hair? Hmm...) Not pulling this off alone and certainly not in time. Sad thing is, even if I had more time I still wouldn't be able to do it, I'm lucky I was able to do this much with my overhead exceeding what is considered NORMAL.
Rub it in my face some more about your fancy furniture you just got when I can't even afford the couches at the USED center...rub it in some more.