Gone to Heaven
Tessa learnt a lesson that people could be cruel opportunists. At 27, she became homeless, and it turned the rest of her life upside...
Starting over
It's just been so long since I've done this, I'm having a hard time biting the bullet and just doing it with a new person... regulars,...
Wow, It's been a long time since I've done this.... but I will be occasionally seeing people again. I now live in Smyrna, DE and...
Always something
Why are girls so stupid? BP took away our ability to type descriptions for a reason, no words=no incriminating content. Fucking idiots....

National Moron Week?
Is there a new week long holiday I'm not aware of? Because this past week SUCKS. Nothing but morons texting..... I'm sorry but when I...
The Lazy Escort
I know, I haven't been blogging, I swear I'll remember to one day..... I was sick for a few weeks, didn't work at all but starting to...
I just looked thru my blog postings... I quit posting for longer then 8 months, almost a year up until 2 days ago. It seems different...
I have a lot to say, and I can't hold my tongue......
The truth is, I am bitter. I am so tired....of giving chances only to be let down. There might be 1 good person out of 2000 but I have...
Back to work
I will be staying in Newark, DE area, I don't want to venture out into other states, I don't miss the hotel life. I will be seeing a few...
Didn't forget about you
I know it's been a while and I'm not sure when I will be able to blog again, my computer fried a few months ago and I haven't been able...