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Always something

Why are girls so stupid? BP took away our ability to type descriptions for a reason, no words=no incriminating content. Fucking idiots. Now it's gone completely and so is the CL dating section, this new law is going to crimp EVERONES style for months to come.... what needs to happen is someone internationally needs to build a similar site, they'll be out of our crappy Gov's reach for at least awhile. Til then, I hope people saved my number and know how to find me..... I'll also be posting on gfeclub and possibly Eros/adult friend finder but I'm not gonna lie, those places scare me.... I may be pretty-ish but I'm not perfect and some girls are. Ever guy likes something different, and some guys expect model appearance and I'm just not. I don't want anyone in my home who isn't gong to enjoy me I don't care if I'm getting paid, I find it disconcerting if a guy isn't happy with me... it very seldom happens anymore because I'm so picky but, it does happen... can't please everyone and some of these guys on gfeclub sit around all day putting down girls who did not meet their's wrong. If you read some of the reviews they regard women as meat and I don't like it. But I'll lose everything if I don't get work, I am no where near ready to quit, I've got about 2 years before I'll make enough money with my car/dog business.

I'm not going to find some guy to mooch off of, I wont do it. I want my own money.

My mom used to tell me "stay positive and good things happen" she doesn't bother anymore because MY life just isn't like that.... I LIVE in Murphy's Law, if I didn't think the way that I do and constantly have a back up plan, I'd have already been back to being homeless.... that's just the way my life is. It's not that I'm negative persay, I'm just not all la-ti-da oh it'll be okay. No. I'm more like a "god, I hope this works but if it doesn't, here is plan B." People who call me negative haven't been around me long enough to understand that EVERYTHING typically goes wrong. Like this past week, I listed a car I have for sale, but it wasn't ready, I had shipped the PCM out for repair... I immediately got 4 texts from people wanting to buy it.... know what I told my mom and my mechanic? "Something is wrong. It's never this easy....what is the problem, where is the issue... I have to find it" Low and behold!!! UPS put the WRONG address on the package causing a 5 day delay.... they needed to ship it to 1057 Hwy 52, those IDIOTS put 10 Hwy 52 on the label! I lost the sale. That is just a sample of how my life is. I fight and push, then I'll get money saved then I wont get any work so it ends up gone, the harder I push....the harder it becomes.

On a worse note? My 11yr old German Shepherd, Merlin was limping.. I don't take my dogs to the vet for the sniffles but I knew this was different.... a couple days ago he was diagnosed with bone cancer... my options? Medicate him for 1-3 months til his bones start breaking and he has to be put down or amputate his leg and do chemo!!! And even THAT just brings his lifespan up to 6-12 months, there is a treatment center offering SRS in NYC but it's $8000! Andof course BP shuts down!!!!! Now I don't stand a CHANCE. I could have at least done radiation for $3000 and it would hellp him with the pain but now..... I wont have the money. This.Is.My.Life. Bad timing and experiences one after another. He's on 2 different pain meds, one is codeine and it's not helping! He's still limping.

Tomorrow Saturday Apri 7th I drive to DC airport to pick up my puppy and I can't even be happy because I have no business bringing a high drive, bouncy baby around my REAL baby that's hurting. What if she jumps on him and hurts him?

God help me...because no one else ever does.

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