Me being me....
Wow.. time just flies by. I remember when I was little all of the adults would tell me not to wish I was older because I would be before I know it and how fast time passes you by and I just thought they were full of it. Now I see what they mean.... I feel like just yesterday I was turning 18. In the Mt Laurel area for a few days then moving onto Phila or Newark, DE...haven't decided yet. Went to Cherry Hill mall earlier out of sheer boredom and I had a face product to return I had bought against my better skin definitely did not like it.
Been itching lately....reeeal bad itch. Wanna know what it is? Ready for it? Ya sure? it is.....I want a new puppy. Mine are older now, one isn't doing so well. I'd really like to get a young workingline Shepherd and begin training, but I have to have my own place first...I keep imaging myself carting around a 10 week old puppy hotel to hotel and I don't know.. I could make it work but I think my stress level would be thru the roof trying to housetrain her, the response time for a correction would be too long...she pees on the expensive hotel carpet I'd have to run her down the hallway, in the elevator, thru the lobby, out the door and onto the grass....By the time I got her outside...she'd forget why the heck we came out. Hmm..crate training, perhaps? Such a noisey process though. Otherwise, raising a puppy in this lifestyle would be perfect. The socialization, introduction to things at a young age that may otherwise startle an average dog....Teach her to ignore people and other pets, she'd have nerves of steel. I'd have to find time and a helper to wear a sleeve to work her in protection. When I train a dog....I do it right. Obedience, tracking and protection become basic instinct. I could do it in a would just make it expensive and dictate which hotels I can visit as some aren't pet friendly and many that are charge a fee ranging from $15-$25 per night or $100 for the entire stay, non-refundable. Yeah...a puppy. Even with an apartment, I couldn't get one, apartments don't want Shepherds on their property. Period. And I already have two. I'd have to....find a house for rent, which is a joke. Gonna be stuck like this forever, aren't I?